Fresh Air Farm’s spring season is in full swing and we are looking forward to the wedding of Sarah Landram and Christopher Light this weekend! Sarah is originally from Parkville, Missouri and Christopher from Kansas City. Sarah is an RN and works as a clinical educator at Truman Medical Center, while Chris works for Toyota. Chris and Sarah first met at Al’s Bar and Grill in Parkville, and from there they had their first date going to dinner and a movie. Two and a half blissful years later, Chris popped the question in the most adorable way. Here’s the story:
“It was just an ordinary Tuesday night, Sarah was at home, Chris called saying he had to run to his mom’s for a minute and he would call on his way home to pick up dinner. Chris called and of course Sarah picked her favorite fast food (Taco Bell). When Chris got home, he walked in with dinner and a lamp. Sarah was getting ready to start a new job the following week and had spotted a lamp she liked for her office; he said he wanted to get her something for her new job. Attached to the lamp, where the light bulb would be was the ring. Of course, Sarah stunned, turned to Chris to find him asking to her to marry him. She instantly said yes!”
Sarah and Chris look forward to the setting, the decor, and the fun everyone is going to have on their wedding day at Fresh Air Farm. To celebrate such a beautiful love story they chose “God Gave Me You” by Blake Shelton for their first dance. Chris chose this song when they were at a Blake Shelton concert together because when it started to play, that’s the moment he knew he wanted to propose.
After their big day Sarah and Chris are headed to Ojai, California to celebrate being newly weds. Following their honeymoon the couple looks forward to living out their days with their meaning of Happily Ever After “Building a loving family and future together as best friends.”
Fresh Air Farm wants to celebrate this week as Chris and Sarah start their Happily Ever After at the farm! Here’s to the future Light’s and their love story!